This weekend we went for a day ride to Mersing town in Johor, just for a saddletime and wanting to get away from it all. And that was when the old and the new came together.
And it came together on three levels!
In 1997, we went to Mersing with our riding buddies, people like Bryan, Francis, Terence & Vincent. We would frequent the conveniently located Restaurant Ee Lo, located at one of the two circuses in town. Today, we went there with new friends like John, Donny & Roger. and we went to the newly renovated Ee Lo, in the same familiar location!
The old and the new also came in the form of riding Aron's former CBR600F4, now serving us faithfully since the last three years. The F4 was doggedly pursued by Roger's F4, Donny's 15 year old Zephyr 750 and John on the spanking new Guzzi Griso 1100. Bringing up the rear was the heavyweight GSX1200 Inazuma ridden by Ros. The Griso and the Inazuma are also interesting bikes as they are modern takes on the old air-cooled engine concept.
So, it was a fantastic day, old friends in a new location on a couple of retro bikes!